
Oregon Grown Reishi Cultures

Ganoderma lucidum

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Bonsai from Fungus


Reishi mushroom cultures are potted, allowed to incubate and grow up naturally branched hardwood sticks.  The result is a nursery pot sprouting spectacular fungal conks.  Growing as an annual, the sculpture like caps reach a maximum size and eventually dry into a long lasting specimen.

Fungal Information


 This fungus has many names: Reishi, Ling  Chih, The Lacquered Bracket Fungus, The Mushroom of Immortality, The Panacea Polypore.  A member of the Polypore Family, it has a bracket or kidney shaped top with thousands of tiny round pores on the underside.  The cap is usually mahogany red, with a shiny lacquered appearance when wet.  Reishi grows naturally all over the world, especially in hardwood forests, preferring oak and maple.  Reishi is a white rot fungus, recycling the tough lignin of dead hardwoods into forest humus.   Reishi has been used medicinally for thousands of years, especially in China.  A tea made from this fungus has been associated with an improved immune system, increased vigor and well being. 

How Mushroom Bonsai are Cultivated


The process starts with Alder wood chips, Oak sawdust and wheat.  The feed stock is wetted and placed in a special breathable grow bag. Selected branching hard wood sticks are added, then a batch is sterilized and  innoculated with pure culture spawn. 

The bags, now fitted into nursery pots are allowed to incubate in a warm climate controlled grow room.  After about a month the bags can be opened which triggers the formation of Reishi stalks and caps.

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Kit Instructions

Fully Colonized Grow Bag

Grow Your Own Kit

Your Mushroombonsai is ready to open and watch fruit.   Kit includes 1/2 gal pot of Reishi fungus, wire hoops, humidity tent and red gravel mulch

Cut Top of Grow Bag

Step 1

Take bag out of pot and cut off the bag at the top of the growing medium.  Plastic should be below pot rim when you replace the bag.  Pull away any white growth from the bag sides.

Place Tent Hoops

Step 2

Arrange the hoops to hold the tent away from the culture.  It helps to bend the wire to make a straight down leg.

Pour in the Red Gravel Mulch


The mulch helps preserve moisture and encourages growth on the stick.  

Slide on the Tent


Done.  No watering or feeding is needed.  Place out of direct sunlight, indoor or outdoor.  Temps around 70F will give the fastest growth.  Caps grow toward light, rotate if desired

Create a Dried Specimen


After several months the caps will be full size, and you may notice a dusting of brown spores in the tent.  Remove the tent, original grow bag and allow to dry.  Mineral oil will give a shiny wet forest look.